KPRCA Introduction

The Korea Public Relations Consultancy Association (KPRCA) was established on December 1, 2000, by 17 leading public relations companies with the aim of raising the credibility and reputation of the industry in Korea.

Since the opening of the market to international PR firms in 1988, the industry has experienced dramatic development.

Through their association, the member companies of KPRCA are dedicated to the goal of furthering the professionalism of the industry.

To this end, KPRCA will seek to support each member’s client relationships and media relationships as well as support both competition and cooperation among members.

KPRCA has taken a series of initiatives, including the development of a Code of Professional Ethics for the PR industry, which are designed to enhance the reputation of the profession of public relations among media, businesses, and government authorities
  • Ethics Platform

Ethics Platform

Members of the KPRCA (Korea Public Relations Consultancy Association) agree fully with the basic spirit of the Code of Ethics of the Korean Public Relations Association adopted in 2000. The KPRCA and its members further adopt the following Code of Ethics to demonstrate our commitment to ensure that the Korean PR industry and profession are understood and respected by media, clients, government and other organizations.


Members should not guarantee results to clients through any means other than the accepted scope of PR activity. This applies in particular to any commercial transaction or incentive intended to guarantee results coverage or entering into any agreement that violates the integrity of the media.


Members should not engage in any behavior which may be considered improper or a deviation from accepted methods of public relations. This includes any provision of entertainment, bribery or incentives to media aimed at ensuring result coverage of client issues or activity.


Members should not criticize fellow member companies or in any way seek to harm the corporate image of other member companies. Members will not engage in excessive competition over service fees and costs and will act with integrity and fairness in order to promote healthy competition.


If a member company wishes to recruit an employee of another member company, the recruiting company must ensure that the employee should provide the current employer with one month’s notice to allow that company to seek a replacement and maintain its standard of client service.


Member companies should not recruit employees of other member companies for the purpose of attracting a particular client. In the event that an employee moves to another member company and a specific client chooses also to transfer its business to the new company, the employee may not work on that client’s account for a period of 6 months.


Member companies should not recruit any employee who has been working in the PR division of a client company without the express consent of the client. The reverse also should apply. Member companies should advise clients that recruiting an employee from their PR agency-of-record is considered inappropriate under the code of ethics of the KPRCA.


Member companies should not – except with the express agreement of the existing client – provide services to companies or organizations whose interests conflict with that existing client or who are competitors of said client. Where the existing client does not agree, KPRCA member companies should provide services to a client’s competitor only after the completion of the existing client contract. Alternatively, in the case of a client conflict, the KPRCA member company should recommend other member companies to the prospective client.


Member companies will charge agreed service fees and costs to clients and will keep accurate records to support such charges. With the agreement of the client, member companies may charge an agency commission on any pre-paid costs incurred on behalf of a client.


Member companies should not use client-related information or information obtained during client assignments against the interests of the client; nor should members reveal client-related information to any third party without the consent of the client.


Member companies should not release client information to the media if they are aware that the information provided by the client is inaccurate. In cases where the inaccuracy of information is recognized only after the information has been released to the media, the member company should take immediate steps to inform the media and to ensure that accurate information is made available.


Member companies should at all times protect the interests of their clients and not take any steps to harm the interests of clients of other member companies.


Member companies endorse the participation in the KPRCA of other PR companies – provided those companies have completed two years of operation and agree to abide by the KPRCA Code of Ethics. The objective of the KPRCA is to expand its membership to include as many eligible PR companies as possible.


Member companies are committed to fostering the PR profession in Korea and the development of PR professionals, and to reinforcing the Korean PR industry’s international profile.